Camping & Outdoor Gear. Military & Law Enforcement. In Business for over 15 years. Save 30-80% Off Retail. We Transfer The Savings To You! Burris DBAL-D2 5mW Green Laser Sight QR HT Mount 532nM Wavelength Black – 9001. Dual Beam Aiming Laser with IR LED Illuminator Manufactured with high definition aspherical telescopic lens technology the DBALD2 features a 2 to 30 degree adjustable illumination beam. This highly collimated beam significantly enhances night vision performance and offers an eyesafe means of illuminating distances greater than 1000 m. Military and law enforcement models also features an enhanced end cap taking full advantage of the added switching capabilities of the full powered D2. Mount Type: QR HT Mount. Switch Type: Push Button. Battery Life: 3 hrs. Weight: 12.50 oz. We deliver to PO Boxes and military addresses via U. Our packages are fully insured. We may utilize signature required. Please check your local laws, rules and regulations in regards to possible restrictions imposed on goods imported. Doing that is against U. Select the reason for the return. Make sure you connect to Night Galaxy, Inc. Either by signing up for our newsletters or by keeping in touch on one of our social media profiles and never miss out on a deal again! GET THE LATEST SPECIALS & DISCOUNT COUPONS DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX.